The Congress of Southeast Asian Librarians (CONSAL) will hold its 19th CONSAL General Conference and Meeting from 16 to 19 June 2025 in Kuala Lumpur. This prestigious event will be held at the World Trade Centre Kuala Lumpur. In keeping with the dynamic nature of librarianship, the theme for the 19th CONSAL General Conference and Meeting is Inclusive Knowledge: Bridging Divides, Empowering All. For the General Conference, there will be 14 concurrent sessions held over 2 days. We have four sub-themes and for the very first time we are introducing a special session for our postgraduate participants.

We therefore would like to invite and welcome your participation as a paper presenter at the 19th CONSAL General Conference and Meeting.

THEME: Inclusive Knowledge: Bridging Divides, Empowering All

It focuses on inclusivity, the practice of providing equal access and resources to everyone. It promotes the belief that knowledge and empowerment should be accessible to everyone, and no one is left behind. The emphasis is on bridging the various divides that exists, be it socioeconomic, cultural, or technological or any form of divide seen or unseen. Thus, there is a need to ensure that all individuals and communities have equal opportunities to learn, grow, and collaborate. Libraries and librarians are in a position to play a role in ensuring that every individual within the community they serve have equal opportunities and that no one is left behind.

SESSION 1: Sub-Theme 1: The changing roles of libraries from gatekeeping to empowerment and fostering inclusivity in society.

Within the sub-theme, we explore the transformative journey of libraries as they transition from traditional gatekeeping functions to embracing empowerment, emphasizing their vital role in nurturing inclusivity within society. Examples of areas to explore are accessible spaces and services; technological integration of services; and diverse collections and representation.

SESSION 2: Sub-Theme 2: Bridging divides through SDGs as libraries make the impossible, possible.

Libraries play a crucial role in addressing social differences by aligning with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The focus here is on how libraries assist in transforming seemingly difficult challenges into attainable goals, actively participating in the pursuit of sustainable and equitable development. Examples of areas to explore are initiatives to empower communities; local implementation of SDGs; use of technological advancements for SDGs; and education for sustainable development.

SESSION 3: Sub-Theme 3: Building knowledge ecosystems for the disabled and marginalised.

There is a need to create inclusive knowledge ecosystems that are designed specifically for people with impairments and marginalized communities. Through this sub-theme, we hope to highlight the development of supportive environments to ensure equitable access to information and resources, ultimately aiming to empower and uplift those who encounter challenges in traditional learning and knowledge acquisition. Examples of areas to explore are inclusivity through accessible and engaging programmes and events; assistive technologies in libraries; and inclusive collection development.

SESSION 4: Sub-Theme 4: Libraries as partners forging new synergies in community development.

Libraries play a vital role as collaborative partners who actively partake in collaboration for community development. Here, we show how libraries form meaningful partnerships, encouraging collaborative efforts and innovative activities that benefit the community’s overall development and well-being. Examples of areas to explore are public-private partnerships in libraries; health and wellness partnerships; and sustainable community development projects.

SESSION 5: Pecha Kucha Postgraduate Forum

The Postgraduate Forum will be using the Pecha Kucha presentation style. Pecha Kucha is Japanese for chit chat and was created in Japan in 2003. It uses the 20×20 rule where 20 slides are shown for 20 seconds each resulting in a presentation that lasts for 6 minutes and 40 seconds. For this forum, the 7×7 rule applies where each presenter will present 7 slides in 7 minutes. We welcome presentations from postgraduates on a range of topic in the library and information science domain.



  1. Selection of papers for the General Conference will be based on the abstracts.
  2. Submit your abstracts to by 10 January 2025.
  3. Please follow the template provided for submission of abstract to ensure consistency and facilitate the review process.
  4. All abstracts must be written in English.
  5. The full paper template will be provided to authors after the notification of acceptance.
  6. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.



  • Abstract submission deadline: 10 January 2025
  • Notification of acceptance: 12 February 2025
  • Full paper submission deadline: 14 March 2025



If you have any inquiries regarding the submission of abstracts, please do not hesitate to contact Ms. Siti Mawarni Salim at

Please visit our website ( and our Consal XIX 2025 Facebook page for further information on the 19th CONSAL General Conference and Meeting.

We look forward to your participation!